Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why Homeschooling is better than formal education

Before there was any formal education, it was the responsibility of the parents to educate their children. The education was about social manners, how to cook, clean, grow food, and protect their way of life. Besides being a book of discipline, the Bible was also a tool to help people to read. Math came naturally by bartering.

Today, I still think homeschooling is better than formal education because every child needs time to think about what is really important in life. Teaching the basics of life is what homeschooling is all about. It also gives parents time to be with their growing children and to correct them along the way. The most important years of a child's life is in the womb, crawling, walking, and when the child is able to realize that life will be good to them if they are good to it.
Most people think that homeschooling means isolation. Not so! In most States you are on a registry. You just cannot keep a child at home and do whatever you want to. There is a school curriculum that parents must follow. Let us say the child is in his or her last grade of high school, the parent is required to teach the child regular text lessons that are presented in high school. The use of the same text books may not be necessary. The child is required to take the same exams as regular students. The laws do vary from different States.

A lot of high school students are dropping out and everyone is puzzled to the reasons why. I will tell you the reasons why. These students have not been taught the basics of life. They have not been taught how to survive in their environment. They are lost and confused.

Yes, this is the informational generation but they are still human beings. They need time to think and put their thoughts together so that things can make sense. The way the school systems are setup, it want let them. The teachers have to teach certain subjects and are given a certain amount of time to teach those subjects. The students end up not learning because they have no time to consume it all.

Most students will not speak up about having difficulty in comprehending a subject. They may be embarrassed about what their friends might think of them. They may feel pressured not to express themselves. So throughout their school years they are frustrated with their feelings and find learning boring.

Homeschooling teaches a child to feel free about expressions. It teaches a child that it is alright to make mistakes and to learn from them. It teaches a child that learning is fun. It teaches a child that if they do not understand a subject the first time, do it again until it makes sense. Homeschooling is about learning the value time. It is a time where every child needs to learn how to be a child.

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